10 Tips On How To Stay Calm When You Feel Overwhelmed

Setting realistic expectations is a proven way of keeping stress at bay. We often feel overwhelmed when we panic, overthink, or expect too much. But the reality is that you can’t do everything perfectly, and it’s important to remember this in order to keep your sanity while juggling different tasks and responsibilities.

Here are some 10 tips on how to stay calm when you feel overwhelmed.

1. Stop Fighting Your Overwhelm

When you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and think about what is causing you to feel this way. Is there something that can be done to reduce the number of tasks?

If not, then you should try re-prioritizing those tasks. Organize them based on importance so that you can tackle the most important one first.

2. Appreciate What You Have

I was reading through the Bible to try and find a verse that might help me appreciate what I have. I couldn’t find anything, so I just read the first chapter of Genesis, which is about God creating everything.

The part that helped me most was when it said, “God saw all he had made, and it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31). God has granted you life. Sit back and appreciate that you are breathing.

Many wish for such an opportunity, but they cannot get it. Stop focusing on what you want to have or on your future plans. Be present, as this will help to calm yourself down.

3. Learn To Say NO

It is impossible to do everything that is asked of you. You are only one person, and there are only 24 hours in a day. Learning to say “no” is an important skill that everyone should learn.

Saying “yes” is not always the best answer. Learn how to say “NO” and take a breather so that you can think straight. Saying “NO” is not a bad thing, and it will help you find time to do work on your priorities.

4. Meditate

Feeling overwhelmed is a normal part of life. We all feel it at some point. It’s that feeling of being completely stressed out, anxious, and panicked. Your heart races, your palms start to sweat, and you feel like you’re about to have a meltdown.

Meditation is a great way to calm the mind and body. There are many different ways to meditate, so find one that works best for you. You can try guided meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or s****y sitting in silence and focusing on your breath.

5. Listen to music

When you feel overwhelmed, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to turn. However, music can be the perfect solution to your situation.

Music can help you stay calm and relaxed. This will allow you to focus on your breathing, which can help you get through a tough situation. When you have music playing in the background, it will take your mind off of whatever is stressing you out.

6. Make Positive Affirmations Over And Over

When I feel overwhelmed, I repeat positive affirmations over and over. I remind myself that the feeling is only temporary. It will pass eventually. I can take deep breaths and relax, knowing that soon everything will be back to normal again.

The first step is to remember that this feeling will pass. Repeat positive affirmations over and over again until you believe them yourself.

Acknowledge that this is only temporary. Remind yourself that you can control your thoughts, and actions and take small steps to regain control of the situation.

7. Exercise

Feeling overwhelmed can be caused by stress, depression, or just being faced with a difficult task. Exercising can help reduce stress and improve your mood. It’s important to exercise in moderation. Intense workouts can actually backfire and make you feel more exhausted than energized.

8. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Keeping a gratitude journal can help reduce stress by focusing on what you’re grateful for. It can also show you the relationship between your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, which helps you make better choices.

Write down everything that’s going right in a day and then count the items to see how many things have gone well. Keep the gratitude journal close to you all the time. This will make it easy for you to quickly jot down things that are going well.

9. Stay Home When You Feel Overwhelmed

Sometimes all you need is just a break. Take some time off from your busy schedule and give yourself some time off from your normal routine. This will help your body reset and motivate you for your next challenge.

When there are too many possibilities, it can paralyze you into inaction. Just take a break, and stay at home or away from the stressful task for a while. Let your body and soul recharge.

10. Be a Creative Genius

Sometimes we may feel overwhelmed because of having to do monotonous tasks. Especially in our places of work. Routine jobs will become very boring and force us to disconnect completely. When this happens, try to be creative and do something totally new.

Work on a project or a hobby that you have not perfected yet. This will engage your entire brain and save you from overthinking or worrying about the challenges you are facing. These brief moments of ‘stress-free’ living will help you stay calm and handle the overwhelming situation better.

April 14, 2022 |
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