Am a 47 years old single guy. Wasted whole my life in school. I have 2 masters and a PHD but no girlfriend, wife or even kids. Am giving up on marriage. Dating suck for me. They just dont work out.
You can be 45yrs but still you behave like a boy.Ask yourself,are you ready to be a father and a loving husband to somebody’s daughter?If yes,take your time to look for your desired lady of your choice.Most of ladies are good.They always mean when they decide to love.Sisi men ndo matata sometimes.But remember to treat her the same way you want her to treat you and also you may get her in a raw material form.It’s your duty to yewn her in your desirable shape and size…finally,go for love and nothing but true love.Not ,educational level,family background nor financial status.Success!
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Y marry Soma kwanza, Sasa kama huna feelings za mapenzi nimwanamke mgani anataka awe Bibi ya mtu mwenye Hana feelings!!
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Life starts at 40. Uko sawa. tafuta housewife. Benefits ya masomo yako itatosha familia yako perfectiy
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Hi masomo mingi ni shinda.
Utapata bro lakini ujue yeye ndiye atakumaliza.99% ni masaitan.
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Kwanza smile ukiongea,hautatuongelesha kama umekasirika hivo,,nimekuambia na hakuna kitu utafanya
2021-01-13 21:31:29
I think you can still get someone who suits you don’t feel discouraged better marrying late than marrying the wrong person
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Utapata tu, I know of someone 43 yrs now,alifukuza bibi wa piliDec anataka kuoa tena Hana hata mtoi.
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Waah u should have plots then kutoka 25yrs ulikua unafanya Nini either u have a family or plot if non of the above kanyanga kubwa
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Charles Njonjo married at 52 after investing well. A woman needs a man who can provide. If you have the means, any woman no matter her age will give you good company
2021-01-13 21:31:29
Do you have grudge on women in general or is it woman phobia
Or are you a use and dumb type
Or are you a real man?
You can be 45yrs but still you behave like a boy.Ask yourself,are you ready to be a father and a loving husband to somebody’s daughter?If yes,take your time to look for your desired lady of your choice.Most of ladies are good.They always mean when they decide to love.Sisi men ndo matata sometimes.But remember to treat her the same way you want her to treat you and also you may get her in a raw material form.It’s your duty to yewn her in your desirable shape and size…finally,go for love and nothing but true love.Not ,educational level,family background nor financial status.Success!
Y marry Soma kwanza, Sasa kama huna feelings za mapenzi nimwanamke mgani anataka awe Bibi ya mtu mwenye Hana feelings!!
Life starts at 40. Uko sawa. tafuta housewife. Benefits ya masomo yako itatosha familia yako perfectiy
Hi masomo mingi ni shinda.
Utapata bro lakini ujue yeye ndiye atakumaliza.99% ni masaitan.
Kwanza smile ukiongea,hautatuongelesha kama umekasirika hivo,,nimekuambia na hakuna kitu utafanya
I think you can still get someone who suits you don’t feel discouraged better marrying late than marrying the wrong person
Utapata tu, I know of someone 43 yrs now,alifukuza bibi wa piliDec anataka kuoa tena Hana hata mtoi.
Waah u should have plots then kutoka 25yrs ulikua unafanya Nini either u have a family or plot if non of the above kanyanga kubwa
Charles Njonjo married at 52 after investing well. A woman needs a man who can provide. If you have the means, any woman no matter her age will give you good company
Do you have grudge on women in general or is it woman phobia
Or are you a use and dumb type
Or are you a real man?