Guys,I need your sober help. I am married,blessed with one child-5 years old. I work in the NGO world,a junior role,pay of 152,000 p/m which is my only source of income. I handle househelp/mama fua/fuel/toys/my personal effects and daily household nitty gritties.I manage to save 40,000/= in the sacco.My husband takes care of the rest(Fee and household shopping). I am the active parent(always at home when not at work,I help our daughter with homework,bath her,read with her,play with her,e.t.c).This has made me very attached to our daughter. I got a job offer in Kabul-Afghanistan which will pay 5 times what I get plus other allowances.I feel this is a great opportunity since,it will build my c.v, I can manage to build apartments and also enroll our daughter in
an international school which have all been my dream.My only issue is leaving my people especially our daughter who I am very attached to.My husband says our daughter will adjust,but Lord knows this is a very tough decision for me.I feel like she might grow and hate me for choosing money instead of her.On the other hand I feel like if she goes to a good international school she could have a beautiful foundation. What would you do in my shoes?
NB; I will be turning 30 years this year and do not have any investment or assets to my name.We own a home but title is under my husband’s name.
Link me to a job
Link me to a job opportunity at NGO .will appreciate .
Link me to a job opportunity at NGO .will appreciate .
Wewe enda
Just go she can follow after a while