Hello there, let’s discuss a topic which the church has failed to educate its own on.
Masturbation and Pornography.
1) Is masturbation and pornography a sin?
Ans: Yes
2) Why is it a sin?
Ans: 1 corth 6:19 (talks about our body being the temple of God), Proverbs 4:23( say we should always guard our hearts)
If we both agree that our body is the temple of God, then you will not allow the lust of the eyes ( P**n), lust of the flesh (masturbation) and pride of life( feeling okay with it) to have control over you soul (1 john 2:16). Job said “I have made convenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a woman” (job 31:1).
3) How can Masturbation be a Sin when it isn’t mentioned in the Bible as one?
Ans: (Matt 15:11-14) Jesus spoke about what comes out of the mouth is from the heart, p**n corrupts your thought, it’s pollute your inner man, hereby hampering the move of God in you life and give the enemy expression in your heart and thought through this act.
4) Are spirits attached to this act?
Ans: yes ( incubus and succubus)
5) Is there a way out of this act?
Ans: Yes ( accept Jesus as your lord and personal savior, seek for deliverance through the help of the Holy Spirit )
Note: During the stage of breaking free from this wicked addiction, there will be stages of relapses but don’t give up keep praying, fasting, studying the word of God and seek brethren who will edify ur spirit .
Remain blessed and rApturable.
May 9, 2023 |
I love this.