Confession #3585

#3585 148

I am a stressed single mother. I have a lot of responsibility and I sometimes feel like I can’t handle it all. I get overwhelmed and I have a hard time coping. I have a lot of anxiety and I sometimes feel like I’m not doing a good job. I feel like I’m failing my child. I’m just trying to do the best I can.

July 17, 2022 |
2022-08-08 02:39:34

You need to see the positive side of life. Any time you get these negative thoughts, affirm yourself with positivity. Remember the love you have for your child and the love they have for you. You've obviously come from far and that's sth to be proud of. Say things like "i am loved, i am strong, i am resilient, i am capable" every time you have negative thoughts and if you're spiritual, a small prayer can change a lot. Live in the moment. Not the past or the future, but in this particular moment in time and maybe it could help with your anxiety. All the best. Hope it helps

2022-07-17 20:43:40

Also Change your daily routine. It helps a lot, have time to rest alot as you can.


2022-07-17 20:40:51

Free Advice: go to the nearest swimming pool stay under water as long as you can it's called therapy… Swim enjoy yourself with a soda or wine not much but just few. Your body will release the pressure you have been creating (negative energy) or got to a bar with loud music eat drink get home. You will really feel relaxed trust me.

Thank me later F.

2022-07-17 20:40:50

Free Advice: go to the nearest swimming pool stay under water as long as you can it's called therapy… Swim enjoy yourself with a soda or wine not much but just few. Your body will release the pressure you have been creating (negative energy) or got to a bar with loud music eat drink get home. You will really feel relaxed trust me.

Thank me later F.

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