I am going through shiet. Lost my job in the beggining of the year and corona has made it so difficult to get another.
my rent has accumulated to 16k and today i got that eviction notice.
This disease will end within no time you will recover soon don’t stress yourself very much because God has given you good health
2021-01-13 21:31:28
Believe and have faith that one way or another God will see you through
Don’t even question how . just in prayer make known your needs to Him!!
2021-01-13 21:31:28
We define life as Up’s and down’s so you are down now but don’t worry bruh it’ll open up
2021-01-13 21:31:28
May God be with you at this hard situation. Remember no situation is permanent .
2021-01-13 21:31:28
Guys its too bad to loss a job at this tough moment bt it is also good to learn a lesson. PLZ IF YOU HAVE A JOB THINK OF INVESTMNT OR ELSE ONCE JOB INKIISHA U WILL START BEING A BEGGER
2021-01-13 21:31:28
am also affected and mine is worse, i dont go to work, i havn rent now 3months, had taken loans nipeleke watoto shule, pia nadaiwa, jipe moyo Mungu atatupa njia, thinking of searching for a job,tafuta utapata
2021-01-13 21:31:28
Si uhame to a cheaper house and seek a husthle before u get ur work back aaiii kuvunjika kwa mwiko si mwisho wa kupika ugali
This disease will end within no time you will recover soon don’t stress yourself very much because God has given you good health
Believe and have faith that one way or another God will see you through
Don’t even question how . just in prayer make known your needs to Him!!
We define life as Up’s and down’s so you are down now but don’t worry bruh it’ll open up
May God be with you at this hard situation. Remember no situation is permanent .
Guys its too bad to loss a job at this tough moment bt it is also good to learn a lesson. PLZ IF YOU HAVE A JOB THINK OF INVESTMNT OR ELSE ONCE JOB INKIISHA U WILL START BEING A BEGGER
am also affected and mine is worse, i dont go to work, i havn rent now 3months, had taken loans nipeleke watoto shule, pia nadaiwa, jipe moyo Mungu atatupa njia, thinking of searching for a job,tafuta utapata
Si uhame to a cheaper house and seek a husthle before u get ur work back aaiii kuvunjika kwa mwiko si mwisho wa kupika ugali