I don’t know if mine is the most freakiest but what i know its the most emberassing sex confession ever. So here i am. Straight from higschool. Naive and inexperienced in sex. Abit of a p**n fan. I seem to be updated in them styles and get too know the so called G-spots and safe words during sexxing. Kujipa abit of ujuaji. Back then p**n was kwa Tape si kama hizi days iko everywhere.. Ie DvD’s. Internet.. Anyway so parents be like “huyu kijana needs to do Some short courses so to ondokea TV whole day” so same day Dad comes with a receipt showing he has paid driving class so that means driving a must. Next day. Here i am attending classes.. Bored and cursing cause a whole day of p**n watching cancelled. And. That time is when the house is all yours. Its your kingdom too rule before wazazi warudi. In driving class. I noticed this lady who takes a big intrest in me. I wouldn’t lie for an older lady she was pretty fine. And obviously the noticable features are so visible even the driving instructer can notice since this lady does go a big distance wakati wa practical cause instructer was dyin too smash. Anyway she approaches. Says all the right words. Guys see she be always hanging around me. So it Is so obvoius she wants the “D”. So. We panga day she should come and recieve it. So as usual. Parents leave kama kawa. I do as usual go to class. Then later as pld we drop with her home. Ok i know am no ameture in love making. Na kuwa hautaki kuonekana fisi. You do things slow. Get her relaxed. Small chat. Offer her something. Then slowly things fall into place. So her been abit old i av too up my game. So. I start kissing and caressing as we head too my room leaving a trace of clothes as we head there. Once there. Here i am all ready too go beast mode on her. I start slow and deep. Sasa hapa ndiyo shetani hukutakia mabaya. My 1st time to actually be in a p***y. Wacha ile naona kwa p**n . niko ndani using the p**n lessons. Ku kaa kama pro.. Mathe anakam.
December 16, 2023 |
talking about 1st day to loose it and your peroz know about it. Ata leo hii iko marked kwa calendar.
Unfortunately she had this banging headache job so she decides ku rudi home early. Me kujua wanakuja their normal times i ddnt lock main door. She gets in the house comes picking trail of clothes which apparantly leads too my room. Yee kufika kwa mlango.. She Knocks. Me niko climax on my side. Am almost too cumm. And. Mum outside mlango says. "Can i come in". Sasa sijiui kama ni kuchanganyikiwa ama nikuwa 1st time too be in p***y. Nika sema. Yes!!!! Mum opens door finds me butt naked ontop of the lady. The lady looks @ me in schock. Hehe mathe kwa suprise locs the door behind her and leaves. Maneno goes from bad too worse wakati story fikiaz. Dad. He comes home with a packet of cds'. And a half little bottle of coke. Sits me down and shows me how too use rubber . as he does that he says it in An ironic way. "son hii chupa ya soda ni kitu yako. Hii cd ina faa ku enda on it, sasa sijui kama kitu yako ni kubwa kama hii chupa. Ama ni ndogo lakini çd's ziko in variety depending na mali yako