Confession #146

#146 275

I have been a wife batterer most part of my life. I have been in six marriages and five divorces all resulted from beating my wives. I am hot tempered and get angry with very small things. I have never had any child from the last five marriages and I knew I was infertile. Three years ago I got from work and found my wife talking to my neighbor’s maid and I was very angry and beat her until she was admitted to the hospital. After she was admitted it was when we realized that she was four weeks pregnant. I wait for about a month and I came home one day very drunk and beat her because I thought she had cheated on me as I knew I was infertile. She insisted she had never cheated and after she went back home and delivered the baby I started feeling lonely and started following her slowly and we talked and she was back home. I told her that we would raise the child together and I decided to do a secret dna and found the baby was actually mine.

March 4, 2020 |
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