Confession #554

#554 273

I met this guy from some country in West Africa 2years back it all started as a friendship,then lovers and until he proposed to me but the man have a son and I also have a daughter to cut the story short all my problems started last year when the man started talking to my parents…To my surprise I realized that the man is really close to my mum to such an extended when am with him he used to excuse himself out to talk to her and always sends her money in secret.. I got confused when this man and my mum started being close to such an extended my mum started complaining that am really not making the man happy,, cheating on him and that I don’t pick up his calls and alot of lies…To my notice the man started showing me attitudes to such an extended accuses me of cheating and blocking me out….am really confused cz after I lost my job this year I came back to live with my parents after losing my job and now my mum doesn’t see me as a person nor her own daughter anymore what really came into my mind is that maybe she is acting like that cz I lost my job and that nowadays I don’t send her money as I used to..but the painful part is that now she went to an extended that she really mistreat me and my daughter since anything she wants the man is always providing for her.. really going through painful situation,, stressed out now don’t know what to do anymore…

May 14, 2020 |
2021-01-13 21:31:23

The man has a thing with your mum if he is not s******g her already. Get your act together leave this N***a get a job and look after your child. Also forgive your mum and just move on

Mr Miyagi
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