Confession #826

#826 365

I met this man back in 2017 after been friends for over a year we started dating. It was much okey and comfortable since we both knew each other well. After 5 months of dating he told me his brother has come to stay with him since its becoming hard for him to stay at school where he was studying. I had no issue with it but I stopped going to his house rather we choosed he be visiting my place.
After a while he started complaining over money issues, he would ask me to rend him some cash at first I was okey with it although with time it become hard for me since I was earning very little and I had rent and bill to pay. He was like am sick na sina doh za hosi, nimekanyagwa mguu na gari I need a scan, Mara niongeze 2k tulips rent to make matters worse he asked me for 1k as his mothers transport from Nairobi to makueni I told him that too much he responded very rude na akaninyamzia for two days. I later send it na issues ikawa solved immediately.
I believed anaishi with his bro until the day I learned from one of his friends aty my bf anaishi na mama ako na watoi wawili na firstborn ako high school I felt bad na kumuuliza akanishw I can believe what I want and aty Nairobi we come for money for if it was for love angekaa kwao ushago. That was the end of us although I went so much pain I got depressed ady nikaloose job coz I couldn’t concentrate at work.
As I write this its its 6 months since tuachane. I feel okey and I can even move on coz av healed
But on Sunday he called and asked me to give him another chance aty ni shetani. He now want our relationship back. I didn’t say anything coz naeza mtusi vibaya. He is Calling all the time akitaka tuongee.
Should I forgive me ama nimwambie nini huyu kwanza nikikubuka hakuwai nilipa pesa zangu na zile machozi nilimwaga juu yake. Kwanza nikikubuka I was watching TV ikiwa silent mode ady SAA name ya usiku naskia intestines zikiuma

June 17, 2020 |
2021-01-13 21:31:35

My friend move on with your life blacklist and block his number at the same tym plz avoid him kabisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Ninjni unataka kusamehea btw is it the fact that he had a wife na amekutumia kama tissue or is wasting your time woman next time mwanaume hapewi pesa ngoo hapewi hata ukienda kwake na analala njaa mlale tu,na hadi anajam ukimnyima he wants what he is not getting kwa bibi yake pesa zako juu aliona wee nimrahisi wake up madam na next time mwanaume hapewi pesa apambane na hali yake

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Once bitten twice shy,Mae dia if it’s advice you have been given n English men say “experience is a good teacher”now make your own decision and follow your heart and dont forget to ask God to direct you ok

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Nafikili alikwabia na mdomo yake Nairobi alikuja kutafuta pesa sio love what else do you want to hear dea yeye shida yake ni pesa juu yenye ulikua unampea hakuna forget about that hegoart akibisane na wamama wenye wako na pesa natena ni muongo

2021-01-13 21:31:35

The guy is in business ,and in transit…best thing,forget of him,move forward life is brighter ahead,and as per those lessons,register them in ur blood,to walk wise ever.shalom

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Are you OK upstairs if I may ask you?to forgive him,it’s OK.but to be together again!!!my dear the grave is beckoning you.You already know he is a married man with two grownups,why are you wasting your time n good live God has given you with this thing you call bf?Pls young lady forgive him n forget about him n move on,your live is important n their is someone coming for you.The one who knows you’re important, special, a treasure to him,a friend,a family n everything you’ve longed for in live.Believe n I a sure you you’ll meet him soon,let loser’s be in God’s shake.

2021-01-13 21:31:35

My dear sorry for such painful life you have gone through but first you have to forgive him remember our Lord’s prayer “forgive us our sins as we forgive our those who sin against us”after that second don’t rush in going back remember the same devil will drive him to kill you third sit down and look your life and always be a prayerful person and seek God on everything you want to do.

2021-01-13 21:31:35

I celebrate your devotion and dedication to love. You are a perfect example of a lover however you fell in the hands of an opportunistic man posing in as a bf yet a masquerade.
You have no good reason of getting back to a man possessed by the devil as he says.
Your relationship with him is narcissistic. Spare yourself more hurts and pain by letting him live his own life. If your friendship with him must be then let it be platonic. A very casual relationship that heads nowhere.
But all the same, maintain the same heart in your next relationship. It is good for your wellness.

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Move forward with your life, focus on your career.
When people show who they really are first time believe them.
He is an alcoholic and you believe the person will change.
Remember you can’t change a person until him or her make a choice to change.

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Happy to learn and understand how nature takes its own course as a river may flow through a rock,a mountain,a hill or even underground but it’s all due to God’s manifestation.I do appreciate that as much as many people experience heart break,Trauma and Stress thus ending up committing suicide or hanging themselves, drowning or rather taking poison the very unique one are seeking advice while they are hopeful to strive for goals, dreams and objectives thus self actualization.Remember, you are amongst the unique and special therefore Kudos.Keep that positive energy or spirit burning higher.
Profoundly, please learn from your previous mistakes and inorder to correct it for a moment stay alone as you let him stay alone and figure out what you want in life,who you are and what kind of a person you would love to have in life.Also make sure you involve yourself in something meaningful such as business if you can afford capital to keep yourself busy.Keep your limitations al

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Queen there is a proverb that states once bitten twice shy think you’ve met it somewhere . You ask of forgiving him and what about the wife and the two children and also did he say that Nairobi is only for money ?? And if so forgive him and start pumping your money on him or let it go and move on with your life .Remember that you cant say sorry to a broken glass and it returns to its earlier state so you better wise up . I advise you deside thank you

2021-01-13 21:31:35

I am a product of going back to my stupid ex n I can tell u they will never change I rotated around him 4yrs since 2016 going back to him my friend move on as I did it never ends well tym wasted can never b recovered move on young lady

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Ucrudi Kamwe,ata Sahau Io Pexa Ju Arakati Ya Kumuitixa Pexa Anaeza Kukonfince Tena!Ata Ikiwezekana Change Line

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Just relax and concentrate on yourself. Waja atafute pesa na wamama akitosheka aende ushagoo atafute mapenzi unless you want depression again. How sure do you know he has reformed.

2021-01-13 21:31:35

My dear mwambie kwanza akulipe ndio uweze kusahau then umwambie kama nimapenzi aende kwao uchagoo.amekumbuka zile pesa ulikua unampatia akaona arudi please don’t try again to forgive him coz next time you will only be dead

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Don’t entertain him again because he will make you suffer mentally and emotionally the best thing avoid him his calls if possible change phone number

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Mpe mahesabu akurudishie pesa zako kwanza afu baada yakupa pesa zako mwambie hurudii matapishi aendelee kutingisha mkia wake kwingine , jinga sana huyo kwahiyo kaona we ndo wakupumzishia shida zake , fyuuuuuuuuu

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Forgive him and move on with your life…there is no way you can go back to a person who made you suffer..its hard to forget

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Accept him back
It’s your turn to avenge if you have the heart to
If you are not vengeful kamwache aende in fact blacklist na block zilitengenezewa watu kama yeye

2021-01-13 21:31:35

Forgive him but don’t get back with him …. He played you and all he’s doing is giving you flashbacks of your past
Block his number !!!!!!!!

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