Confession #4021

#4021 137

I recently got breakup. I tried hard to get back to her. But she has blocked me from everywhere. I am in lot of pain. She is changed. Feels like my depression was the cause of breakup. I am Suicidal and fed up with this life. I was doing very well before i met her and was more brtter when she came to my life . But , Now she isn’t with me anymore.Now I have chest pain,panick attack and hopelessness. I wish I have never experienced love in my life. I was better without girl. And I need friends to whom i can share my feelings.

May 19, 2023 |
2023-05-23 14:51:23

You need to face your mental and emotional issues on your own or preferably with people that you know love you unconditionally eg family. Also, you need to understand that most women only want the good times,they don't care about your bad times.Usually,men are alone with their issues,so we are used to it.

2023-05-20 03:52:37

Dude lucky you. Once I was a boy.

Now am a old man and for some reason the sting of love has missed me.

Have walked all this earth by myself.

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