I was married for 6yrs before separation.My husband was a nice man,a gentle man,he paid my college fees and ensured I lacked nothing,things changed in 2018 he started ignoring my texts,nikipiga hashiki(was still in college then),tulifunga and I came back kuona shida ilikua Nini and that’s where the drama started kumbe he had a side chick,nikajam nikaenda kwetu, but to my surprise the same week nilienda kwetu he moved in with the lady Hadi akaenda kwao for introduction.Words can never explain how heartbroken I was,I cried I begged but wapi,he told me to move on, abusing me and my parents,last year I met another man,he is also loving we are still dating,he made me believe in love again.Now my ex husband is back, claiming ni shetani alimuingilia hajui what made him change,nifanye aje,do men change ama amekuja kuniharibia my new relationship
May 30, 2020 |
Ascertain if he is genuine or not, if it was for the first time then give him a second chance. A man is just a man at least he has supported your college education. We make mistakes and learn from them
Never look back that man will make your life miserable if you do just move on with your life it seems you don’t even have kids with him so there’s nothing that can make you go back to him and by the way me I can’t love someone who abused my parents
Wachana na yy kitu unafaa kujua sai ni kwamba hawezi wachana na ule unless kaa uko ready kufanyiwa madharau kila wakati ebu move on na mtu wako wachana na wa madharau agharamie ujinga yake
Just tell him the way he left you and moved on, you have also moved on.. …otherwise ataona you are desperate for him so atakuwa anakufanyia ivo tu. …better a broken relationship than a broken marriage.
Its challenging the best thing is give him time as you do your research maybe anataka kukujaribu akutumie na kukuacha. Kwanza ujuwe alikuwa ameoa ringa ringa kias umstress pia plz usikimbilie haraka ataona umekuwa desparate
Tell him u moved on as he told you…..so he move on too,…he just want to spoil ur new relationships,..u gave him chance,and he has left it to someone else,..so MOVE ON
Bytha most men wakifanya mess huwa wanadai hawajui ni shetani mgani aliwaingia do research chunga hao ni pilipili
Never should you give in because he has shown you he is not the right man for you ,up to the going introduction with other lady . never should you beg him
Watu wanapenda kuwekelea shetani sana.
Please DO NOT go back to your ex. He made his choice. Remember how he abused you and your parents ( mtu akitukana mzazi wangu tunamalizana hapo hapo) and told you to move on? Do the same. Tell him to move on.
Now that you are happy he is feeling pained? Shauri yake.
Be happy with your new man mami.
My kind & genuine advice is you concentrate on your current relationship. Remember he changed, he told you to move on, you cried begging him but to no avail….. don’t give any attention to him at all. He is out to completely finish you for good.
He has already seen a brighter future b4 you thats y kanajileta pole pole ambia hako kamtu kaende kakiendaga na hayo mashetani yake .. shikilia vizuri the one you have moved on with usiache aponyoke pia
He told you to move on, so please do..you already have a man in your life..you are not a second option,you surely deserve better.I don’t know if there is any good with exes(thinking out loud)
Move on with your life never go back…he will take advantage of you and repeat the same miskate again knowing you’ll forgive him…He’s the one who told you to move on when you caught him cheating since he dint value you so don’t go back to him let him be…. follow your heart.
You are all kids.You say he was everything but u still left him because of sidechic.U moved on,now he is back ,and u are conteplating to now leave the one u are with.kuna radi iko Enugu inawangojea.
If you love your current man you wouldn’t be asking for advice. And what makes you think ‘shetani’ hatamuingilia tena? Once beaten, twice shy!
From the post you have made its clear you still love you didn’t move on, girl build your self, learn to stand in love not to fall in love. If he had invested in you it means a lot and you still have alot with him.
Things happen but there is one key word called forgiveness. Be reselient enough and think of the good things he did for you compared to what the current one is doing, then find out who is better of than the other and make a decision. And where is the other lady now?
Ukweli nikwamba huyo Ni mharibifu.kumbuka shetani ya mtu Ni mtu.huyo Ni shetani yafaa umkanyagie chini. Madharau si mzuri hata Kama alikufanyia mema shukuru yes but kumbuka uzito was maudhi.
Of course baby girl wifu inamuuma na usijalibu move on with your life kwanza wakukutusi na wazazi wako Hana hesima ata atebeze kiatu na shetani wake bele bele
Plz, no,no,no.dont allow Ur ex back, he’s late so far.Though l don’t know whether you were married officially,and did u get children together?plz don’t be confused get the new marriage
Infidelity is one of things one can’t change;
He is just desparate my dear,never allow him back;
Usiwe mbwa kurudia matapiko au nguruwe aliyeoshwa kurudi kugaagaa matopeni!!!
Just lend him a deaf ear!!
I repeat NEVER GO BACK!!!
My friend just move on as he told you, believe he has not changed and he will never change. Anataka tu kukuharibia, love yourself and let him see it. Live a happy life, that was a big heartbreak
That was not your husband, you were fornicating but the best thing alikulipia college fee, thank him for that and move on as he told you. The wrong thing with you ladies is that, ” when one has money you just force yourself to him even if he is a burning flame you just throw yourself into it and burn up with it.” Kindly MOVE ON
Does he know you already have someone? Could he be jealous of your new relationship? Maybe anataka kukuharibia,do you have kid (s)with him?what happened with the other lady?kindly take your time to make your decision
I just don’t no where this ex’s of yours gets u n even you have time to listen to them,with me I used only to give them three months,,beyond zat no chance totally,,move on
Shetani amejituma mamii si omuhusband..move on like he told you. He insulted your parents..what makes you think amechange..he’s out to finish you completely.
Kuna wanaume kwa hii dunia hawapedi wengine wakiedelea yeye anataka ukae tuuu kwenu bila mpenzi umgoje yy mpaka atoseke na wanawake ,alikuahidi atakufanyia kilakitu bt hakukuahidi furaha,wewe fanya ujinga umludie eti sababu alikulipia shule don’t be desperate n move on kwani ulimlazimiza kulipa,na tena nani amekudanganya eti anakupenda wewe na hampendi mwezako,my friend ukikubali utakua spare part nautaishi kulia
You should invite us for a wedding celebration…. Let him know that side chicks are better than wife materials.
Suppose umrudie and even marry him alafu after a few years (and stretch-marks na baby fat and wrinkles za stress/worrying) shetani imuingie tena na akukick out again? Utaanza wapi? How do you even consider getting back with that baboon na mwenyewe umesema alitusi your parents. Also consider the heartbreak your current boyfriend will feel… how you felt when the baboon left you.
Kindly accept him back,the rest of men you are getting are just clothes you are seeing, remember God has all the powers & authority to destroy Satan for ever,why has he not destroyed him? forgiveness is the key to any marriage partners
The same shetani that made him have a side chick, is the same shetani that is making him come back to you. Told you to move on and you did. Ignore him, zake ni kelele za chura.
move on as he told u. but by the look of things u don’t know what u want and u also don’t love the current man u are with because if u do haungekuwa hapa ukiuliza hii swali.
MY dear the same shetani mwenye alimwingilia he did nt die so the moment u make a mistake to go back to him that’s wen u’ll knw that huyo shetani angali bado move on wit ur lyf plz as he told u
Go back to your husband of 6yrs shikilia nyumba yako,always put God first my d.a usiwache bwanako na amekuomba msamaha
Swiry dont try to leave your new man, he’s trying to put together ur broken pieces but huyo nyangau ingine achana nayo. He is wants to destroy you. MEN NEVER CHANGE
I can’t advice you to take him back my dear,if he left you once what makes you think he won’t leave you again!!!running back to the same hands that broke you won’t heal you…am a victim of going back to an ex,little did i know that he was back to hurt me since he saw how happy i was without him…trust me he hadn’t left the gal he left me for😢
Whatever God wanted you to get from him you’ve already got it. U were faithful enough haukumuhanya mpaka vile alikukataa. So count him your destiny connecter na usonge mbele vile tu alikuambia, Bure ukirudi nyuma utajitongea.
My dea friend shetani wa mtu ni mtu mwenyewe so i don’t think that is an excuse bt if u stil love her give him a second chance na pia if u do so angalia negative side ya mwenye mko naye sai ambaye hajakukosea and u want t break that relationship
He knows you are in a relationship and he is jealous,acha aoe huyo shetani alimuingilia,alikwambia you move on,,stick to his words anataka tu kukupotezea wakati
Go back to him so that you learn the lesson you didn’t learn before