Confession #859

#859 267

Im a 18 year old straight woman that has a crazy fetish for womens neck. My ex boyfriend put me on to it and now I’m completely obsessed with it. It started off simple but now it has turned into something completely different than what it is. At first it was just the adams apples and touching and now it has turned into the flexibility of how far the neck turn the farther the better. Its come to the point where I search online to see if there are videos of women doing it, an I find that there isn’t alot of fetish videos catering that. Honestly I’ve only found one thing that shows it. I usually tell my friends everything but they know nothing of this. I don’t know if its normal or weird, but I definitely wish more women we’re into.

June 26, 2020 |
2021-01-13 21:31:37

What did the ex do with your neck?

2021-01-13 21:31:37

Nothing. We just use to watch other females.

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