Confession #4026

#4026 165

I’m married, and live in Nairobi with my wife and three children. In my 10 years of marriage, I have never faced a dilemma similar to the one I’m facing currently. My supervisor is female, and for the 7 years I have been working in her department, she’s never approved my recommendation for promotion despite my good appraisal reviews. I recently sat her down, and asked why she was shooting down my promotion opportunities.

She bluntly said it is because I have rejected her advances on multiple occasions. As a condition, she said if we have a sexual relationship, things will open up instantly for me. Where I work, she is very powerful, as she is rumoured to be the CEO’s favourite. I am eyeing a position that has recently come up. If successful, my monthly salary will increase from Sh95,000 to about Sh210,000. I don’t know what to do. I fear if I fail to heed her coercion, she’ll engineer my sacking soon. I am the main bread-winner and I can’t report her to the HR because she’s very powerful.

May 20, 2023 |
2023-05-23 23:59:30

Have you tried dropping her case before the Altar of God. Pray concerning it for 3 nights…trust me God will make a way for you

2023-05-23 23:59:30

Have you tried dropping her case before the Altar of God. Pray concerning it for 3 nights…trust me God will make a way for you

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