Confession #4308

#4308 139

My daughter had eczema ,from a 2 wks toddler.We battled it for yrs .I don’t know ni ointment gani hatukumpaka,,If I knew what I know now, I couldn’t have used all those Madawas in tubes for my daughter,I could have rectified it through diet.
And I wonder why that doctor never mentioned about diet even a single visit and we used to visit him atimes even twice a month coz it used to get even worse,so when we went he Could only change the prescription and write to us the next visit date.Yaani in those 2 yrs we used alot of money.

December 19, 2023 |
2024-01-19 12:51:17

aki i hope this finds you
kuna mafuta ya coconut iko supaa inaitwa kentaste 100% virgin coconut oil, it worked on my niece well

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