My husband doesn’t want to hustle yet kazi za mpango ziko. It has been 2 months since job yao ifungwe due to corona me niko job ya 15k and tuko na mtoi Wa 1yr so me humwacha kwa Hao amelala na nikimwambia abaki name mtoi since me humwacha na mboch Wa jirani name mlipa 100 anakataa anadai eti mtoi ata msumbua me ndo kila kitu kulipa rent food na hiii 15k itoshi manze am dying of stress nikimuliza anadai hakuna job yet mijei ziko and I tell him to even give me 200 a day Haezi hustle ata haezi ulizia majirani wengine na wako hizo job 2b sincere hajawai kuwa responsible nimeishi kuhustle n if I don’t hadi tunaeza lala njaa He’s 26 am 25 we v bin married since 2018 am tired….juzi i decided to be harsh and I told him to be paying house rent else… U know what he did he started kukatia madem fb nikajua I asked him and he said that I provoked him…. He said sorry and that he won’t repeat again…. Imgn adi anaomba pesa ya kunyoa
May 24, 2020 |
You are complaining after job yao kufungwa 2 months ago, if he was irresponsible you could have left him kitambo sana why complain now. Follow your heart girl but if you take the wrong advice of breaking your house trust me you will join all the singles group looking for a man to marry you but hutapata. Communication is key. Involve both your parents if need be, ikikataa find a counselor. Stop washing dirty linen public. There are ladies out here who just want Bora mwanaume Sio mwanaume Bora. Destroy yourself as you watch
Usimpush na story ya mjengo, just ask him wat his plan is,muelezee tu kwa upole like pesa haitoshi, you can help him na idea ingine ya hustle bila presha, try and make him understand the need to hustle kwingine and make him imagine wat if job ingewaishia nyinyi wote? Of which can still happen God forbid, huyo mtu ako nastress still figuring out his next move and he needs your peace and understanding …. Sahizi kuna online writing and other types of writing he can do, or mayb ask him wat he is thinking, kwa upole, mwanaume akiwa na stress ni umwongeleshe polepole na mtaskizana, coz its like sahizi ingekuwa ni job yako hiyo ya 15k imeisha, u are still figuring out everything na mtu anakuskumia like enda ufulie watu nguo, enda ufanye kazi ya nyumba…. Nooo, just lend him an ear, maybe he has a plan umchukulie hata loan afungue biz ya maana but anaogopa hata kusema ju ya vile uko mkali unataka aende mjengo…. Give your man peace or you’ll lose him, he needs you now
Ur lucky u hv a word called A man sisi tunalea watoto ya deadbeat Leo nimenunua sharti na under pant nimeosha jirani ameniuliza kama baba otieno alifika nikacheka nikamwambia aliingia usiku akatoka 5 na amepeleka. Mzigo Ruanda shukuru Mimi nikipata hata kipovu kiwete nitalea bora jirani aone nikipeleka nje aote jua nikimlisha
Kutofanya kazi inawezakuwa hajapata Don’t blame him if at all he has been responsible.Mjengo si ya kila mtu,Some humalizia hata kuwa wagonjwa serious which will cost both of you more money.What you need to talk to him about ni issue ya mtoto.Hizo 100 Bob daily kwa mwezi ni 3k atleast let him take care of the kid Hiyo pesa isaidie kwingine tukingoja Corona iishe.You are lucky you are still working,wengine huku nje ni shida! You are both young so don’t rush making decisions that will cost your happiness later.
Hustle yenyewe iko wapi dada?? hio mjei unaona watu wakipiga inaenda na grup kujuana,wacha kushinda mdomo kwa mumeo,ungekuwa hauko job yee ndio anakulisha hangecomplain hio 15k ni pesa nzuri kuna mahali wote hawana job kama umeona mwingine kule nje wee nenda wacha kusumbua mumeo si amekuwa akienda job.
kama ni Mimi nakutoa na hio 15k yako hutaniuma kichwa mimi
To be honest
Hufai kumwambia aende mJengo yet before corona thing alikua responsible
The only part he is failing ni kukaa na mtoto
He should In order to save the 100/=
Kwani mtoto atamsumbua akifanya nini kua online.. ?
There are many single Dads out there taking care of their daughters and sons
Uko na utoto mwingi sana.Mungu ameleta huu ugonjwa ili kupima wanawake kama wewe…stand with your husband corona itaisha na atarudi job….kumbuka ni watu wengi sana wamepoteza job na stress ni nyingi.
Filisika ujuwe tabia za mkeo, muonyeshe uwezi msupport wakati washida believe me siku atapata job bado utarudi tu hapa kutafta mawaidha ety mzee amekutoroka na amekuachia mtoi, siku yako inakuja tu.
My dear it’s hard don’t give up just do it and be patient am very sure when the pandemic disease is over he will look for a job but for now you have to assist him. Telling him to do Kazi ya mjengo that one he can’t that work is not easy as you think unless you want to pay hospital bill it need a muscular man with energy. Just two month and you are complaining some women have done it many many years and they are happily married. Approach him in a polite way to stay with the kid so that the money you pay the mboch you can give him for kinyozi.
My question is was he providing before was told to stay at home because of Corona? If yes you are lucky coz u can subliment. After this pandemic he will provide. And if no why are you still with him that long? You must understand him. Coz if he resumes work he will do the necessary. The problem with you ladies when you provide only two months you want the world to know that you are the bread winner.
Uko na utoto mingi sana, bwana yako anakuomba pesa ya kinyozi unaanika yeye fb, kupoteza kazi yake sio mwisho wa maisha covid19 is really and has affected a magnitude of people globally. When you realised your husband is stressed because of loosing his job you should have looked for ways to console him but not telling him achunge mtoi juu hana kazi, for some men they’ll literally take it as an insult. The other gravious mistake you committed is giving him conditions when you know very well he doesn’t have any source of income, “he must pay rent otherwise…..”. Young girl you’re not in serious marriage but riding on this man’s little money he’s making. You’re the cause of all those problems. Respect is paramount in any serious relationship and there must be some roles played by both parents in upbringing our children. To certain extent to there’s some role limits a male partner can play in baby caring….go and sit down with your husband and clear the mess before things go messy.
Mbona nyinyi ladies mukifanyia wanaume kitu huwa inawauma hivo,I thought watu nikusaidiana wakati mwingine ako down na sio kupenda kwake akae kwanyumba ,,,,and you should thank God at least wewe unaenda job coz I wonder ingekuwa wewe pia huendi kazi survival yenyu ingekuwa aje.nasema hivo coz am a victim too
Mbona nyinyi ladies mukifanyia wanaume kitu huwa inawauma hivo,I thought watu nikusaidiana wakati mwingine ako down na sio kupenda kwake akae kwanyumba ,,,,and you should thank God at least wewe unaenda job coz I wonder ingekuwa wewe pia huendi kazi survival yenyu ingekuwa aje.nasema hivo coz am a victim too
Babyboy on pambers, nature him. He’s not yet a man nd if u don’t handle the issue deligently like a person who cares for marriage.. Break-up will follow. A advice, go-slow nd think maturely. Involve one of his biological parents moreso mzee if he’s still alive or mother if not BUT in a mature. If u rush u’ll still post again on how we’ll console u after unceremoniouse breakup. B careful 🤔
Mimi ningelipa tu juu si kupenda kwake ni juu ya corona,, madam nikuulize, wakati anakupa chuma ya doshi si unasikia utamu hadi unamwambia wewe ni wangu milele?? Sasa mshughulikie ama unipe namba yake mimi nalipangwa 10k na nitambeba hadi mgongoniðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Kiihu kwani miezi mbili ni miaka tumi ,wakati alikuwa job sialikuwa anakulisha ngoma vumilia ndoa ,,yani unalisha mumeo unaona ka we ni bilionea ,,kazi itarudi huhu ona huyu ,,IPO siku alikulisha naye hakuongea mature up
Lady’s lady’s Ladys who be witched us let us talk the truth here the guy has been feeding you since 2018 Hadi last month kazi ikafungwa not like he quited he has been paying house rent without asking you a penny coz Hana job you want to become a man ukimwambia umuachie mtoi ndio apikie mtoto akikuoshea viombo coz Una mfeed na kulipa rent …some times women we are soo wicked and we don’t appreciate what God has given us that time alikua job ulikua mpole…bytheway hii ndio time ya wanandoa kujuana coz now your husband will know the other side of you…ebu Imagen ni ugonjwa ime mrudisha Kwa nyumba unge toroka umuache coz huezi mlisha…kua na utu mummy just love that guy kuna mwenye ana mtafuta amueke hapo amlishe just encourage him and tell him thing gona be well soon….mna tesa waume alafu mkuje hapa kulia ati amekuacha na mtoi ameenda Kwa mwanamke mwingine nkt
A man can feed and pay bill for his family for 30yrs and no complain wait for a woman alipe bills buy food for a month kila mtu atajua.its his time a relax.
Pose approach hao majirani kwanza use sure job ya mjengo iko, then mpeleke polepole, appreciate him for the way he was providing before, make him feel important, cook him nice meal, give him good sex then tell him how 15k haitoshi, tell him umepata job anaeza enda ili msaidiane na akikubali please usimdharau juu ako job ya mjengo
In marriage there’s always what we call for better and for worse and this is the worst time u should support your husband….. you’ve complained that he hasn’t been helping u since he lost his job that means he was helpful when he had is job….a man will always be the head and if u want to make him feel low then u are realising him to somebody else…. the fact that he’s jobless shouldn’t make u turn him to a nanny and if he’s not comfortable with kazi ya mjei encourage him to look for other jobs
You are so immature I must say. A woman makes a home and protects all its secrets jealously. Exposing your husband this much to the public opinion court doesn’t change him or the situation in your house. You must be those types who value men only when they have. Love covers everything. You must understand that it is because of the pandemic your hubby is low. Haven’t seen you complain before when he was working and earning. You aren’t mature enough for marriage. What if it was you who was out and he is working,would you have posted a praise post here for him?? Men and women go through a lot but they don’t publicize in public squares. Either style up and keep your marriage or stay single forever
🙉🙉,my dear you know your husband better than us,if he was responsible before Corona situation,that means he is a responsible man, let’s learn to always appreciate our men, rather than complaining all the time,15k ukiimanage POA inaweza stabilize the situation until bwanako arudi kazi,isitoshe sio kila mwanaume anawezana na kazi ya mjengo,pray for him and ask God to remember him and open job opportunity for him.. where there’s love between husband and wife God is in the midst… God knows what you are going through take it like a test and believe me if you are strong in faith you will overcome and husband will either go back to his job or get a good paying new job,trust in the Lord
Remember with or without money he is still the man of the house, let him be your first born child treat him well by the way Ata nguo mnunulie asitembee uchi ju hayuko job, Corona ikiisha mambo yatakua Sawa… Thank me later
what a man can do a woman can do even much better…
Si ni hii msemo mnashindaga mkitusumbua nayo kila saa mkilazimisha tuonekane sawa. Wanaume huprovide na hata pesa ya nywele hupeana… So acha kulialia hapa, we hustle mpe mtoto wa wenyewe pesa ya kinyozi ,can’t you do what men do????
Stop being stupid woman am a lady but I stand firmly warning you never mek a decision when yo angry and never mek a promise when yo happy dear sister mwanaume hukueka for how long akikupea kila kitu hta doh ya pad na huwa hatangazi
Kwenda huko kwani hizi miezi miwili ndio umeanza kulalamika wamama kaeni watu wazuri we ndio kila kitu na unasema kazi yake imefungwa unataka atoe wapi unataka aangalie motto juu hana kazi na kama ni mtoto msichana atambadilishia pumpers aje kweli madam uwezi patia bwana chakula hata mwaka moja na corona ikizidi tumbafuuuuuuuuu
I wish I got some one like u…..nitakaa na mtoi,,,nifanye job ya nyumba na upate nimekupikia……… ni kusaidiana………..take time,, Corona will go and if He don’t change,, then move out and on coz he is a parasite
Now is stress coz he is not working,my sister hata hiyo mjengo saa hii nikujuwana ndio achukuliwe si rahisi vyenye unafikiria? the mistake naona kwake nikutokaa na mtoi but the rest understand him corona will go tutarudi job na maisha itaendelee,yaani unasikia uchungu kulipa tu nyumba yenye unalala ndaani pia? pliz understand your man or ataiba na akishikwa utaumia kabisa,…
Na ndio Mungu hakufanya muishiwe na kazi wote wa wili ili uweze kushikilia familia but makosa kubwa sana kushindwa kufumilia mumeo na kumtoa kwa watu…njenga nyumba yako mwenyewe usikubali kunjengewa na social media………
Ivi ndivyo wangu aliniacha juu sikua na kakitu.. We mtese tu but wanaume hurevive atakumbuka haya yote.. Utalia kwi kwi..