Confession #421

#421 278

My husband loves nude photos of women in his phone, nikimuuliza anasema zimetoka WhatsApp group.Recently someone called him at night, then he kept on rejecting the calls(I got curious),l decided to check his phone the next day to see who was calling…to my surprise,my hubby ako na mpango wa kando.This woman sends him nude photos and videos of herself and in return my hubby also sends that woman his nude photos( anapiga akiiwa bathroom). Am really devastated, mark you,we lost our 6 months baby just 2months ago.My hubby lost his job 2019 Nov. Have been working hard to feed us and the family( tuko shags). Na hashtuki. The most painful thing ni,he sometimes sends this lady money na SAA hizo mamake na nephews wananikodolea macho…nitsfute food. Am thinking of walking away since sina mtoi at this moment. I noticed that their relationship imekuwa for along time,hata mtoi akiaga,huyo mpango alijuwa na akatext my hubby ati ucjali ntakuzalia mwingine.

April 23, 2020 |
2021-01-13 21:31:18

Talk to his mother and him and leave peaceful

2021-01-13 21:31:18

True. You should 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️The earlier the better

2021-01-13 21:31:18

This is your best time to leave.Let him enjoy his mpango wa kando fulltime.Don’t force yourself on him,let him be happy without you.

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