One powerful way to attract money is to activate the area of ​​money in your home. This zone is located in the South East place of your home or in the left corner of that room where you have to activate by water. Therefore, in this part of the apartment or room put coins and money wood.
April 15, 2020 |
One powerful way to attract money is to activate the area of ​​money in your home. This zone is located in the South East place of your home or in the left corner of that room where you have to activate by water. Therefore, in this part of the apartment or room put a water fountain, an aquarium with golden fishes, crystals, coins and money wood. Also remember that as you do all these, repeat this spell three times: “Let the water do its work, and bring money in this home.”
I dont understand. Explain more
This is total lie. Has it worked for you?
We shoga toa hii ujinga hapa
Huyu ni seller wa aquarium na gold fish