Tell Us your most embarrassing moments in the Office. Mimi, I was fired by my ex drunk boss mbele ya all the employees. I was really embarrassed. 10mins later she blacked out in the office. When she woke up she had forgotten everything 😂😂😂
May 17, 2020 |
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yangu, sema kushuta, only for the boss to approach my desk to come ask me a question. Weee, he did a U turn with the same speed he came with.
My boss shouted at me ” you think you are my breakfast I keep seeing you every morning “. I lost it. Ile slap ilifuata. Police case 🙄🙄 Hakuna kazi ngumu especially when u refuse to date your boss…
Went to work sober… Then some satan came with mzinga ati alibakisha sunday na hakutoa kwa gari.. Tulikua tunaendea tot in turns…vile zilitushika wacha tu…
I was swinging na chair coz I was sleepy.. Allover sudden I pressed the button that makes the seat go down and up at the same time I tried to stop that thing for 5 minutes.. Felt like the whole day😜😜 half of the room was laughing half were seriously rebuking me with their eyes.. At least I made them break for tea..😂😂😂😂
My boss came to my desk and summoned me to follow her to the office. I was erect and had to stand that way.
I am this individual who is highly passionate about client oriented tasks, my boss (the CEO/ OWNER of the company) noticed this and asked me to make a presentation on the same. I had presented infront of colleagues and everyone else but the thought of presenting infront of the ceo was overwhelming. The day came, I organised my tools and wares in the conference room and switched off the light. The room was at a place without natural light so without electricity it was dark like 7 dark on a scale of 1 to 10. The poor visibility gave me some sort of confidence. So he came in and was a little alarmed to see the darkness but decided to go with the flow. I presented in that darkness, I think I could see the CEO trying hard not to laugh out loud. Once I finished he was like ‘ That was a great presentation but next time just breath in and out for a minute and have the lights on we don’t want others wondering what kind of sorcery is going on here in such darkness.’
Was on Feb and I decided to go and have a rave at a club (County Palace Nyeri) we have strippers there. I was sitting near them gazing at their twerking rythym ..Raised my face up and boom my manager was looking at me like .. This guy is so innocent at work place ..
I had a presentation at the board meeting, then that kamakamasi from nowhere started. My handkerchief was in the office.
My boss assisted with one🙆â€â™€ï¸ðŸ¤¦â€â™€ï¸
Some bosses are human ðŸ™ðŸ½
My lovely wig dropped off in the lift! 🤣🤣🤣👋👋
Being bodyshamed by the boss and a colleague, I ended up resigning, peace of mind is essential.
Went to a funeral with colleagues bcs one of us had lost a father. Reaching there we were given reserved seats….After ten minutes of rest, i found myself down the chair broke and bcs am a heavy machine, I couldn’t stand up on my own .The colleagues came to my rescue only to hear the public addresser asking people to do me first aid .and that is how i left and went back home
My hair extension fell down while serving a client. He kept looking at my head and I didn’t know 😂 I kept smiling until after he long left a colleague passed by my desk to tell me I have dropped something. To date this amuses us😂😂😂
I was the black sheep of my dept for a long time..It was embarasing coz my bad emails from boss over small things wud be copied to everyone in the dept even new pple who just joined..Wakiona hivo they join the band wagon for hatred..Madharau was of the highest level had been in the Org for like 10yrs thats why..My reprimands were made public most of the time..They hated me..gossiped me..When appraisal came I was always top..Im a firm believer with prayer.I prayed and God opened a door..I got another job.I walked into my boss office to resign I cud see his shock..They never thot I wud get a gud job..Anyway I left and now am happy..We have very bad blood and we dont talk..Im a HR…So the rest of the staff were hurt coz I left..Most of them still call me to date..I used to fight for their rights and defend them incase of unfair treatment..Its an experience I wudnt wish on anyone..Cooporates world is toxic..
I was sleeping only to be woken by a thunder only to realize it’s me who shoot
Kulikuwa na very strong winds that day. The winds forced my skater dress to do heavenly ascend leaving my bottom cold. Kampuni ya baika na kamisi tuliangusha. Niliskia tu watu behind me shouting, “haaa”. Me nilikimbia. They saw the bottom, I was not going to allow them put a face to it.
1.They demoted me
2.Wakanikata salo na mwishowe 3.Nkienda Maternity leave wakanipea termination letter
Hii mwaka tu😥😥😥😥
I wore a beautiful dress 👗.I knew I was slaying mbaya .I entered the meeting feeling on top of the world.Kidogo my boss passes me a note that says “Your dress is torn behind Kindly find a way of repairing it because you will be presenting today 😮😳â€ðŸ™†ðŸ»â€â™‚ï¸ðŸ¤·â€â™€ï¸.And she was such a sweet lady .I truly miss her ,she then smiles at me across the table 😊
If you’ve never laughed out loud in a meeting and mucus flew off your nose to the middle of the table… just chill
Once the accounts office channelled all employees salary into my account by mistake then Hr begging me not to withdraw 👹
Auditors came . Acha nilie kwanza. Nitanalizia story baadaye
It was on Sunday I went out to dine out with my friends.Huh,we ended up ordering a bottle of Uncle Jack kuzidikisha food,ikaisha we ordered the second one and lost track of time.And on Monday morning I had a meeting in the office,Kufika 4am we were so high we decided kwenda home,tulitafta gari parking tukaikosa ordered an Uber so I didn’t even sleep I just got home showered nkatoka we kufika jobo we normally blows that alcohol blow gadget wee yangu iliwaka red wasee wakaangaliana 🙉🙉🙉.They told me they have never seen that in the history of their workers🤣🤣🤣🤣
One Monday morning I woke up late and I had a meeting with my boss I took a quick shower dressed then without checking wore 2 different pair of shoes it was funny I didn’t notice until a colleague asked kwani hii ni fashion mpya😂😂😂
Worked at samsung then….sema trouser kupasuka katikati,our store keeper told me she can help with steppler pins mimi huyo kwa ofisi yake.trouser chini ikapigwa steppler na nikaona itashikilia mpaka ni home….then saitani akaamua kujisifu our boss walks in nikivaa trouser…..ile msomo nilipewa mpaka wa leo naonanga nikama nilipewa bj mimi ndio sikumbukangi vizuri😂
Ku tack in kwa boxer bila kujua ,nafika job naambia hebu simama pale mbele ya kioo na ujiangalie
My trou ilipasuka on a the left side near the pocket as I a matatu and 15 min away from a presentation.. Sema kuingia Tuskys bought safety pins kuimgia washroom na kuchapa Pin.. But still didn’t help.. Funny enough no one noticed and I was congratulated for a good presentation..but i was nervous all through