Confession #4397

#4397 112

unaeza hamia nyumba flani na swara ianze kukufuata. Now someone is telling me that alihamia a certain house in February 2023, one year later in February 2024 after making a honest one year review ameona there has been a serious drop in everything in his life. Pesa kupotea, kukosana na wife, kukosana na wazazi, kukosana na watu tu bure, sickness, biz kuanguka literally failing, nothing ever bought for a whole year etc. Now is it that Kuna nyumba ukihamia tu mambo haiendi fiti?

February 17, 2024 |
2024-02-17 08:49:27

Kwanza kama nyumba ilijengwa na pesa ya corruption whose intended beneficiaries are crying😅.
Nooo… free up your mind. It's just a turn of events, has nothing to do with the hse

2024-02-17 08:49:08

Fact of life is that there is nothing like that we just refuse to deal with our own short comings and something else is we leave as grown ups for like 60yr in those years you won't miss one or two years that will setback 5 to 10yrs so we just think it's the environment we are in at that particular time or someone we are with but in real it's life being life.

2024-02-17 08:48:52

Huyo anawekelea nyumba makosa. Such backward thinking. A few factors (which he chose to ignore) must have played a hand in all this. He should go back to the drawing board and sit where the rain started beating him, keenly study the moments in order to ascertain what may have gone wrong. Maybe the issue is how he approaches things, maybe it's the company he keeps, could be some decisions he made. He needs to deal with the root cause of his problems and fix his life because it can be fixed.

2024-02-17 08:48:35

That me kuna nyumba nilihamia🤦🤦 within a month 3 weeks nikaloose job…. after a while nikaihama…. then nikapata job tena nikarudi same plot … nikaloose job tena within a month🤦🤦🤦🤦Nilihama the same day nilipewa dismissal letter…. saa i tumesumbuana na landlord anipe deposit yangu since August last yr

2024-02-17 08:48:12

Pure nonsense life has always ups and downs when you well give thanks sometimes God tests faith ya mtu or either una kiburi ana kushusha ukue humble if things aren't working appreciate the gift of life itself and other small things we take for granted like you can afford a meal while someone else slept hungry

2024-02-17 08:47:54

Many people assume the good is the standard so the bad must be something unnatural. Hii yote ni maisha. Moving to that new house is not the only thing that changed in that one year. Maybe the wife didn't agree with the decision to move, maybe this, maybe that. There's a lot to consider before we go hunting for gazelles.

2024-02-17 08:47:34

It is very sad because it's only in Africa we have all this poor mind set, I mean we tend to blame our downfall to other things instead of confronting what might be the problem. Due to the way we were raised most of us we were not exposed and it's most likely that we may end up not reaching our goals and that is a bitter truth that most of you guys will fight till you take your last breath unfortunately. Most of us are not exposed and due to where you are right now you will not do too much to get yourselves out of that pit no wonder you put blames to unimaginable witches is it only in Africa we have this things, lack of exposure. What I believe is that in this life journey we have phases of life some good and others bad it's up to you, have an open mind. Lastly we all have our own unique way of life but we all want to be exactly like so and so copying and pasting plz let us be real and run our own race and this world would be a better place to live.

2024-02-17 08:47:12

It always starts with your mentality and how accountable you're.
Majority of people who pull such cards always have issues with everyone and are always blaming everything and everyone.
Desist from them. You'll be used and later be dumped then be blamed. Run

2024-02-17 08:46:56

This is true. You need to be spiritually aware to understand such things. That house ilikuwa na spirit ya the people who used to live there before and they were sorrounded by curses. So when you move in to such a house na you're not a spiritual warrior, hizo spirits za laana za previous people zinakufuata. That's why before uhamie nyumba mpya pray kabisa, pray over your house each Conner anoint your house and cover it with the blood of Jesus. Even when moving into a new business premise do the same.
Life is spiritual

2024-02-17 08:46:38

That is BullShiet!
He is refusing to confront his personality and work on changing what made him disagree with all these people.

Actually, he is the problem. The sooner he deals with himself,the faster he will prosper in life.

He must also remember; when you break down the relationships that hold you, your business and career are consequently affected because you can become depressed and lose your thought frame.

So, please, let us be useful. The moment you stop taking accountability is the moment you start imagining people wake up to go to a witch for you.

Sit with yourself and call thyself to the accountability table! It will work wonders.

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