When I was a young girl of about 18 years, I had completed My form 4 and I passed very well,now the issue came in when my parents caught me mingling with one of my bestie who is of the opposite sex,My parents Insulted to an extent I felt worthless en useless,I sweared never to depend on them in anything,so I was lucky to get sponsered In UON doing medicine,now am a graduate en currently am empoyed,but for real many men have proposed to marry me bt I declined all since After that Incidence I promised my self never to be married or mingle with any man,now my parent started telling me that all my agemates are married en they want me do the same cz its a shame,bt I told them I even don’t have that plan in my life,en never to visit them again if I don’t have a man to marry me,But for me I don’t think of even doing that,should I forget about my family en live my own life or what should I do?
July 11, 2020 |
Well said, weren’t ur parent foreseen ur future u could not be where u r now ,so be married ed life continues even u r supposed to thenx them
Tyme will come when you will need them so don’t rule out completely. A parent is a parent regardless of what may. The abuse was to teach you not socialize with men and not achieve the goal you are now
ur parents were protecting the unripe fruits which were to be destroyed before the time of ripening so don’t blame them do as they say
Wacha kutubeba wanaa a student of medicine don’t look like you just give your plight and we shall help but don’t give us your imagination,
They wanted the best from you its why they scolded you so that you don’t loose focus,now that you are focused why not try
Your parents are your second God,come on gal,if it were not for them where will you be