When poverty descends it lands with its entire society,only takes intervention of God to overcome. There was a time my parents couldnt afford the cost of planting maize due to fees et.al ,hence dad was advised to take loan from AFC (Agricultural….)less than 20 k… Wee Genesis of problems.. They demanded for repay before the harvest,delays meant paying fine plus fueling their car, they visited twice per week, my dad developed ulcers due to sleepless night and no appetite. A One acre land was sold at a throw way price to clear the debt,. After some years One acre fund came as Avery seductive lady, , my mom joined, she was given alone same thing, several of our livestock were auctioned to service the loan, Blood pressure came in..that not enough Kenya women came , took the loan to plant vegetables to sell but due to flooded market it failed , a posho mill had to be sold to service it…At long last God changed the story.. But lesson learnt the hard way
May 27, 2020 |
Kenya Women kubomoa nyumba za watu. I have seen loanees of Kenya Women run away from home into hiding.
I remember talking to my neighbour in Lugari not to rush to take such loans, I really explained to them that nobody will put on a suit and bring you free money from Nbi, there are always secrets strings attached, the one who listened to me is always glad he followed my advice,the one who didn’t had his grade cows sold for a song!
The loan is only good to already established people with option B if A fails When only on permarnent payroll but all in all risky takers will always succeed. Eg my boss quited teaching job from Orutum boys in late 90ts and now he’s big business man in kitale town supplying dry maize in millers across the country !
Hey my dear in business I have learnt alot!! Unachukua loan to do a contract and then the payment does not come through then unakipata!! You develop health complications. All the same what doesn’t Kill us gives us a lesson
Kenya women almost sold my over 50K dairy cattle because of a balance of 4K from my mother. Yaani all the way from KK they went to the village to harass my mother. I asked them to be put online so that we could talk and I sent them 4K. I didn’t know my mother had taken a loan with KWFT. 50K minus 4K!!!!!