Guys, what is the easiest way to kill myself? I can’t take it anymore. I’ve got no reason to live. Am a failure,am useless and worthless. I just want to die.. I can’t fight anymore. I’ve tried but I’ve lost everything.
There is power of a tongue, start talking good things about ur life.Rem what u are going thro right now will b ur testimony for tommorrow.Proclaim live but not death,rem u are alive with a reason.Ashame the devil by look up on ur creator no matter how hard the situation is.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Your little effort is the one that makes great effort , so many of us are struggling but we haven’t given up , please you deserve a chance to live again , no room to do evils read Bible , pray and your way will just be fine , alright
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Receive Christ as the king and the saviour of your life, it shall be well. John 3:16; 1:12. God know you Jeremiah 1:6, he has good plans unto your life 29:11. Finally, get one of the Christian counselors for further guidance.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
My dear don’t give life to negativity, no matter how hard it is plz try as much as you can to empty out the negativity, important of all invite God in time of your difficulty and walk with him my sister.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
This lady have asked a question which is ” which one is the easiest way she can kill herself… instead of answering that question directly nyinyi you’re advising her differently instead of giving her the easiest ways to do away with her life…Niko hapa kuja mnirushie mawe
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Baby gal there are good things ahead u r a conquorer no matter the situation what’s the problem my dear? u need to be alive coz tough times never last but tough people do .my dear sister I need you alive talk to me may be I can help .,ðŸ˜
2021-01-13 21:31:40
I won’t understand ni yeye tu ana go through alot….kila mtu hupitia shidake but hawaonangi as if kijiuwa ndio mwisho wa dunia…Kama mtu anataka kijiuwa support him or her trust me uki msupport this person will Never try taking his/ her life
2021-01-13 21:31:40
lov yourself and trust God if He make you breathe now,trust me tomorrow the darkness will fade and sun will shine again. GOD lov somebody who wait trust and believe in Him.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Its not you bt this’awrong voice,do not copromise i hv passed thro such bt behold the Lord wants to do anew thing.Forget all about those friends etc best ones r coming.Confession brings pocession,satan is lier refuse.No stuation in life is perment rmbr weeping endures bt 4 a night behold your day cometh.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Kindly dnt kill yaself!think of tha less fortune,tha opharns,mentaly n physical human being wat the under go daily,keep on prayin to GOD n av avid faith on GOD,tha snail was tha last animal to enter noah’s art,GOD’S timin is surely tha best!trust in GOD,u tym is cmin sooner than later,mungu hajakusahau at all!
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Kindly allow me to ask you this question.
If anyone comes to you like you did here in this forum and say he/she wants to kill himself) herself, without explaining to you his/her problem, just saying he is tired like you have explained here, how will you help such a person?
Try to explain your problems, so that we can help you. Otherwise if you live us hanging, we’ll give you a poison or a rope to kill yourself.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
U want to kill yourself when God is about to rescue u,pliz don’t, try and ashame the devil that is hindering your life don’t let the satan defeat our living God, go down on your knees pray to God and you will have a breakthrough
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Change your Words AM A WINNER not a failure USEFUL not useless WORTHY OF EVERYTHING Good not worthless. Repeat this each time the bad feeling come and by Sunday you will have a reason to testify
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Yes the world may be done with u but it’s not over till u hear the Lord’s report for ur live,ur useful,ur loved,ur lucky to b the chosen few to b on it’s almost morning stand still and u shall see the salvation of our Lord
2021-01-13 21:31:40
And you think we don’t love you, UR WRONG😪WE CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE😪😪
It’s just bcoz ur far away but if u were close to some of us we would shower you with warmth and love and make you feel special, I tell you for sure that you would be surprised ðŸ™ðŸ™
Don’t let the few ppl who are surrounding you kill you with their negative energy 😪😪😪
Run from them dear and ask God to rewrite your lifeðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™remember God is always much closer to broken hearted people ðŸ™ðŸ™
You will meet someone better trust me dear, some of us really care about others out hereðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™
If u commit suicide those hurting you will win😪😪and so will the devil,
Let’s ashame the devil and Let Almighty God to winðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™
Give your life to christ, pray and stand firm, be ready to start afresh,
Give life a second chance and u will be surprised with the results ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™
Just remove those names you have called yourself ,start by saying that you’re a Victoria you are not a looser you are worthy you’re fearfully and wonderfully made, remember there’s a friend his name is Jesus he will wipe your tears away ,and if your heart is broken just lift your voice and say to yourself that you will make it and you will stand ,mungu hajamalizana nawe ,mwisho wako dio mwazo wake ,jipe moyo utashinda.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
You’re too young for this. I know of people who met their breakthrough in their sixties and over. What if they made such decision, who would have thought on whether they ever lived and even named their children after them. Unless you chose to remain horrible even after you pass on.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Whatever you are going through remember you are not the first and God will never put you in a situation you can’t overcome.. Jesus loves you so much seek him he show you the way. All the best my dear. And above all see a psychiatrist please
2021-01-13 21:31:40
You already won the battle, after posting this i do blv there is a certain burden eased in your heart.Don’t let what is around you weigh you down .You are strong enough to face any challenge that comes across your way.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
First value yourself,see your worthiness and try again,people around you loves you and please dont bring pain to your loved ones by killing yourself,it will be selfish on your part by running from your troubles and leaving your loved one’s in pain,crying for you…..Find someone you can talk to,someone you trust and if there is no one,inbox me and i will listen to you and if life has been hard on you and people have rejected you,my family can take you inn until you find your own footing,but never ever give up on yourself because you got only you and you only can overcome any obstacle and to be a winner you need to be alive,goodluck and live life.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Just relax…take a deep breath like 3times then relax. Stop wording a lot about life. Whoever brought you into this world is in total control of your life.. You are a winner..remember from a million sperms you ran fast and won..despite having no brains..soldier on
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Why this Wanjiku?If you feel unhappy don’t push yourself harder,God has a purpose for all these.He can’t give you a challenge that you can’t solve/that is beyond you.Just remember the story of Ayub in the Holly Bible, he was strong,determined, hopeful & prayerful to God. Just be you & believe in Him as you continue praying,,, but remember you were born to win,so what DON’T FAIL YOURSELF in whatever what!!!!
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Please..push still harder..we have all gone through thin and thinner tunnels on the darkest parts of life..many of us have managed though we still prepare for the worst as you know that we are on earth,but we do hope for the best..So my dear please take heart and God will give you a hand. Some other days,this will be the history and will serve as a living testimony. So press hard.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Ooooooh No look at yourself again !!!!GOD created you in HIS image n likeness so you are worthy in GODS eyes -:you are crying to own shoes what will thoose without legs say?????think again
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Kill your self and I’ll assure you you’ll burn in h**l imagine yourself in h**l burning and when when burning in h**l you are burning and not getting consumed by fire meaning your crying off pains that will never end unlike getting God to solve your problem giving him your life then in the end be happy singing songs of praise forever in heaven
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Hey my sister!!Before you think about suicide,remember someone else somewhere is passing through the worst problems ever heri yako but he/she has never taught of ending life because the only last option when you are finished and dnt knw wht to do is GOD.He is there for u when u have reachd the end why kill yourself while you still breath,walk and have something to reason.give yourself time and trust in God as today is not the same as tomorrow and so.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Aty what can you do? not much.But before you kill yourself, take a long walk,see the other people who are struggling but maybe hiding it,and however hard it is they’re fighting.Remember whoever struggled to raise you up till where you are-wont you have wasted their efforts too?we don’t live for ourselves but others too.You will live, but you will have to sacrifice.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Your tomorrow is greater than today,n remember that Jesus loves you than anyone else,ukijiua utaenda kua mgeni wa nani mbinguni,jipe moyo utashinda dadangu coz hata sisi umepitia magumu bt tunaendelea
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Satans mission are to steal,kill n destroy,,when u put God aside,He who created u,knew u in your mother’s womb,knows the number of hairs on your head,,,Satan takes charge,,,
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Don’t try that my namesake. Get up, look at yourself in the mirror, you are fearfully and wonderfully created. God has good thoughts for you dear, Wanjiku ni watu roho juu, watu wa kusonga mbele no matter what.this name represents mwananchi. Jikaze mamaa. Prophesy to yourself that ” my tomorrow must be greater than today”.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
ry for the last time……. Then count any achievement you’ve made before, and I mean any. You’ll realize you have long way to go….. That will make you keep on going and hang up that death itself
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Madam, please try your best too get that crazy idea from your mind. Suicide won’t solve your problems, it will just transfer them to many more people i.e your family and there’s no need. Just share your issues with a close friend and you might get a solution
2021-01-13 21:31:40
killing yourself is not the best solution to overcome your troubles dear kindly lift up your eyes to the lord and leave all your burdens to him still u hve a very bright future and a long way to go
2021-01-13 21:31:40
I once thought so, then I decided to go to hospital to see how many people are struggling and fighting for life , when I got out of the hospital I I asked God to forgive me, I will never think of suicide again,, and from that Day God controlled my life and here am, very strong , with a good life , before you call yourself useless think first
2021-01-13 21:31:40
You r such a strong woman coz you have been able to open up most women just keep it in so darling if you r this strong you can be able to overcome anything remember it’s darkest before dawn so I can see you a week from now talking about a big turn around
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Jer 32:17 I am a God of flesh ,is there anything too difficult for me? Whatever it is that is troubling U ,turn all the anxiety and worry to the most high and he will see U thru.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Hey gal….stop that evil plan please. Why poison yourself? Who said you are a failure and useless?
In the sight of your creator you are useful and important please. Poisoning yourself will not be a solution to your problems dear.
Tonight before you sleep, read Jeremiah 29:11. Then repent for saying such irritating words concerning your life, and lastly, wait for the Lord to do His part. His time is always the best time
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Even if you die now my sister your problems Will remain the same and pple will laugh at your parent. Dear just be ready to face whatever you’re going through and rem God cannot give burden that you can’t carry. Wait and be patient no matter what the victory is ahead
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Pray hard never give up, remember suicide is a sin and you’ll be judged, instead take heart and be strong there is a solution behind every pain.. Start seeking God now and everything is going to be ok
2021-01-13 21:31:40
No my dear death is not a solution there is no night without day no matter how dark it is light is coming,denounce saying that you are useless and say you are usuful,you are not worthless but worthy and you are not a failure but successful
2021-01-13 21:31:40
My dear don’t give life to negativity, no matter how hard it is plz try as much as you can to empty out the negativity, important of all invite God in time of your difficulty and walk with him my sister.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
My dear don’t give life to negativity, no matter how hard it is plz try as much as you can to empty out the negativity, important of all invite God in time of your difficulty and walk with him my sister.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Kill your self and I’ll assure you you’ll burn in h**l imagine yourself in h**l burning and when when burning in h**l you are burning and not getting consumed by fire meaning your crying off pains that will never end unlike getting God to solve your problem giving him your life then in the end be happy singing songs of praise forever in heaven
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Pliz even jesus him self alipitia mengi alichapwa, alitemewa mate imagin hakulose hope pliz siz u have second chance powa live your life coz life ni kustragle upto wen u became awinner never ana never loose hope
2021-01-13 21:31:40
The best thing to do at this point is submit to God, pray. Pray hard. Pray everyday.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Its hard for you to find reasons to live when you are calling yourself all those labels … drop the labels. And if you need help come i will give you a 3 month coaching program for free. You just delay the thoughts of death by 3 months
2021-01-13 21:31:40
We r many tofauty n wengine hatuongeangi coz ntaambia nani people hate failure na hawajuwi n maumbile hakuna mtu anaomba awe alivyo my dear usijiue ila jipe moyo mungu yupo cc mafelia pia tunao wanao tupenda na mungu anakusudi nasi kua hai don’t try killing urself isn’t d answer l love you dear ðŸ™ðŸ™
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Look above the skies,there lives a way Maker,a deliverer,a comforter, call upon his great Name,His Name is Jehovah Jire,He knows the numbers of your hair in your head,He Knows your name n your problems, He’s calling , He’s saying,” come to me those who are weary n heavy burden n He will give you rest.His Name is a strong Tower when we run to it we are safe .
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Remember these words which are God spoken,”for l know the plans l have for u,says the Lord, plans of welfare,plans to give u op but not plans for perish”aiso Paul wrote a letter to Corinthians saying “God cannot tempt his people behond their strength, remember the life of job he rejoiced and thanked God for everything in his life , because he new after street is cut down it sprouts out again, Neve give up they is still a better tomorrow
2021-01-13 21:31:40
My friend u are not the only one with couple of problems, everyone has especially in relationship, don’t die because of such try to pray and share with ua trusted friend
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Share wat u av in ur mind Nd know how may pple where u born the same day Nd thy die bt your r a live now .thnk how much God loves u.know that you are about to open a new chapter of ur life.God is always faithful
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Whatever that is making you think so,are the 1st one face it??
They say,”where there is a challenge,lies an opportunity ”
Whatever the case you’re going thru’ , takr a break,,stay positive ,,with time everything will be alright ..
Remember,, our help comes from God,,so trust in God and everything shall be alright..
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Are u serious?? What are going to benefit by getting rid of yourself??
The people around you,,what are going to leave them with?? is it debts or something worthy??
Do your family members hate you or love you???
You said you are tired,,the people around you are also tired of you or are they willing to help you thru’??
What about your Church,how will they think of your planned action??
2021-01-13 21:31:40
God is the giver and terminator of live so don’t do the work that’s not yours,if u want to die it’s okay just kneel down and ask him to take you because of so and so.If does not take you then he himself knows he created u strong than the problems and worries you have…stand up fight like a dying horse.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Listen to God of mountain song and all shall be well with you.meditate greatness in you,pray for yourself, love yourself and always tell your inner being that you are the best no matter what.always seek God’s intervention in all your doings and Thank God always for he will deriver you from that evil mind also read Psalms 91.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Now you’re joking you see that life your trying to take its not even yours, iko na mweyewe, you better fight and don’t give up, life isn’t that serious
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Kindly dnt kill yaself!think of tha less fortune,tha opharns,mentaly n physical human being wat the under go daily,keep on prayin to GOD n av avid faith on GOD,tha snail was tha last animal to enter noah’s art,GOD’S timin is surely tha best!trust in GOD,u tym is cmin sooner than later,mungu hajakusahau at all!
2021-01-13 21:31:40
The Bible says As a Man Thinketh So HE IS. Why do you have negative thoughts about yourself? If you don’t Love yourself nobody will. You are Fearfully and wonderfully made……. What are you passing through that nobody has ever been to? Be positive. God is in control over you and your Life Tell Him what you want.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
God loves you and you are more valuable than birds of air.
Whatever you are going through right now, God is already there with you.
Life precious for you.
When you think about giving up in life.
Think about the one who is admiring your chance and yet you are taking this for granted.
God Himself determines your name, your family members, your tribe, your place of birth, your shopping centres, your education, your trials, your friends and your destiny.Acts 17:26.
You were born a winner.
You were created to respond to challenges by coming up with solutions for problems.
I don’t know what you are going through right now.
Hold on until God answered your prayers, there is hope.
Your future is bright than your current situation.
See failure as a stepping stone.
2021-01-13 21:31:40
People who are serious bout killing themselves dont normally talk about it, they just do it. Then we hear on news, sympathyse, family morns, burry and we forget and move on. You will be forgoten and hated at the same time
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Mammie you’re strong and God is fighting for youðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ we all are in various battles buh we’ve let everything slide and embrace whatever comes… you’re yet to testify of beautiful love and strength you’re yet to explore through perseverance,faith and prayers. Dying isn’t an option for now, remember we’ll all die one day one time, so don’t make an haste to undo God’s plans..kifo haitaenda mahali my dear, enjoy life first, fight the s**t while you can….after all tutakufa wote, either mwenye ameumiza ama kuumizwa… be gentle on yourself for once.. you’re worth more than you can imagine
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Some of us here don’t even know whether we are living, or existing but as long as the owner of life wakes up each and everyday. We live it expecting that along the way he will change us and change our fortune. Before you kill yourself ask yourself if he didn’t have a purpose for you would he have woken you today and let other who wanted to live die???when your purpose on Earth will have ended so will he take you but as long as he wakes you every morning, wait for him and he will come
2021-01-13 21:31:40
Hanging has worked for many, you should try it. If it doesnt work, try just living its a better death sentence!! Dying will not solve the problems, you will just have reduced the population by one. And school children are about to give birth to like 100K more to replace you!!
Start by sticking your finger up your ssa
You dont have to 😃
There is power of a tongue, start talking good things about ur life.Rem what u are going thro right now will b ur testimony for tommorrow.Proclaim live but not death,rem u are alive with a reason.Ashame the devil by look up on ur creator no matter how hard the situation is.
Your little effort is the one that makes great effort , so many of us are struggling but we haven’t given up , please you deserve a chance to live again , no room to do evils read Bible , pray and your way will just be fine , alright
Receive Christ as the king and the saviour of your life, it shall be well. John 3:16; 1:12. God know you Jeremiah 1:6, he has good plans unto your life 29:11. Finally, get one of the Christian counselors for further guidance.
My dear don’t give life to negativity, no matter how hard it is plz try as much as you can to empty out the negativity, important of all invite God in time of your difficulty and walk with him my sister.
This lady have asked a question which is ” which one is the easiest way she can kill herself… instead of answering that question directly nyinyi you’re advising her differently instead of giving her the easiest ways to do away with her life…Niko hapa kuja mnirushie mawe
Baby gal there are good things ahead u r a conquorer no matter the situation what’s the problem my dear? u need to be alive coz tough times never last but tough people do .my dear sister I need you alive talk to me may be I can help .,ðŸ˜
I won’t understand ni yeye tu ana go through alot….kila mtu hupitia shidake but hawaonangi as if kijiuwa ndio mwisho wa dunia…Kama mtu anataka kijiuwa support him or her trust me uki msupport this person will Never try taking his/ her life
lov yourself and trust God if He make you breathe now,trust me tomorrow the darkness will fade and sun will shine again. GOD lov somebody who wait trust and believe in Him.
Its not you bt this’awrong voice,do not copromise i hv passed thro such bt behold the Lord wants to do anew thing.Forget all about those friends etc best ones r coming.Confession brings pocession,satan is lier refuse.No stuation in life is perment rmbr weeping endures bt 4 a night behold your day cometh.
Kindly dnt kill yaself!think of tha less fortune,tha opharns,mentaly n physical human being wat the under go daily,keep on prayin to GOD n av avid faith on GOD,tha snail was tha last animal to enter noah’s art,GOD’S timin is surely tha best!trust in GOD,u tym is cmin sooner than later,mungu hajakusahau at all!
Kindly allow me to ask you this question.
If anyone comes to you like you did here in this forum and say he/she wants to kill himself) herself, without explaining to you his/her problem, just saying he is tired like you have explained here, how will you help such a person?
Try to explain your problems, so that we can help you. Otherwise if you live us hanging, we’ll give you a poison or a rope to kill yourself.
U want to kill yourself when God is about to rescue u,pliz don’t, try and ashame the devil that is hindering your life don’t let the satan defeat our living God, go down on your knees pray to God and you will have a breakthrough
Change your Words AM A WINNER not a failure USEFUL not useless WORTHY OF EVERYTHING Good not worthless. Repeat this each time the bad feeling come and by Sunday you will have a reason to testify
Yes the world may be done with u but it’s not over till u hear the Lord’s report for ur live,ur useful,ur loved,ur lucky to b the chosen few to b on it’s almost morning stand still and u shall see the salvation of our Lord
And you think we don’t love you, UR WRONG😪WE CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE😪😪
It’s just bcoz ur far away but if u were close to some of us we would shower you with warmth and love and make you feel special, I tell you for sure that you would be surprised ðŸ™ðŸ™
Don’t let the few ppl who are surrounding you kill you with their negative energy 😪😪😪
Run from them dear and ask God to rewrite your lifeðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™remember God is always much closer to broken hearted people ðŸ™ðŸ™
You will meet someone better trust me dear, some of us really care about others out hereðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™
If u commit suicide those hurting you will win😪😪and so will the devil,
Let’s ashame the devil and Let Almighty God to winðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™
Give your life to christ, pray and stand firm, be ready to start afresh,
Give life a second chance and u will be surprised with the results ðŸ™ðŸ™ðŸ™
Kama huyu msichana angekua ni jokes 😩😩angekua anajibu hizi coments zenu😉😉😉but wen you notice that person is not on her question…that person is really real…can someone be the chosen to save that soul😥😥😥😥 baby girl inbox me please
Just remove those names you have called yourself ,start by saying that you’re a Victoria you are not a looser you are worthy you’re fearfully and wonderfully made, remember there’s a friend his name is Jesus he will wipe your tears away ,and if your heart is broken just lift your voice and say to yourself that you will make it and you will stand ,mungu hajamalizana nawe ,mwisho wako dio mwazo wake ,jipe moyo utashinda.
You’re too young for this. I know of people who met their breakthrough in their sixties and over. What if they made such decision, who would have thought on whether they ever lived and even named their children after them. Unless you chose to remain horrible even after you pass on.
Whatever you are going through remember you are not the first and God will never put you in a situation you can’t overcome.. Jesus loves you so much seek him he show you the way. All the best my dear. And above all see a psychiatrist please
You already won the battle, after posting this i do blv there is a certain burden eased in your heart.Don’t let what is around you weigh you down .You are strong enough to face any challenge that comes across your way.
First value yourself,see your worthiness and try again,people around you loves you and please dont bring pain to your loved ones by killing yourself,it will be selfish on your part by running from your troubles and leaving your loved one’s in pain,crying for you…..Find someone you can talk to,someone you trust and if there is no one,inbox me and i will listen to you and if life has been hard on you and people have rejected you,my family can take you inn until you find your own footing,but never ever give up on yourself because you got only you and you only can overcome any obstacle and to be a winner you need to be alive,goodluck and live life.
Just relax…take a deep breath like 3times then relax. Stop wording a lot about life. Whoever brought you into this world is in total control of your life.. You are a winner..remember from a million sperms you ran fast and won..despite having no brains..soldier on
Why this Wanjiku?If you feel unhappy don’t push yourself harder,God has a purpose for all these.He can’t give you a challenge that you can’t solve/that is beyond you.Just remember the story of Ayub in the Holly Bible, he was strong,determined, hopeful & prayerful to God. Just be you & believe in Him as you continue praying,,, but remember you were born to win,so what DON’T FAIL YOURSELF in whatever what!!!!
Please..push still harder..we have all gone through thin and thinner tunnels on the darkest parts of life..many of us have managed though we still prepare for the worst as you know that we are on earth,but we do hope for the best..So my dear please take heart and God will give you a hand. Some other days,this will be the history and will serve as a living testimony. So press hard.
Ooooooh No look at yourself again !!!!GOD created you in HIS image n likeness so you are worthy in GODS eyes -:you are crying to own shoes what will thoose without legs say?????think again
Kill your self and I’ll assure you you’ll burn in h**l imagine yourself in h**l burning and when when burning in h**l you are burning and not getting consumed by fire meaning your crying off pains that will never end unlike getting God to solve your problem giving him your life then in the end be happy singing songs of praise forever in heaven
Hey my sister!!Before you think about suicide,remember someone else somewhere is passing through the worst problems ever heri yako but he/she has never taught of ending life because the only last option when you are finished and dnt knw wht to do is GOD.He is there for u when u have reachd the end why kill yourself while you still breath,walk and have something to reason.give yourself time and trust in God as today is not the same as tomorrow and so.
Aty what can you do? not much.But before you kill yourself, take a long walk,see the other people who are struggling but maybe hiding it,and however hard it is they’re fighting.Remember whoever struggled to raise you up till where you are-wont you have wasted their efforts too?we don’t live for ourselves but others too.You will live, but you will have to sacrifice.
Your tomorrow is greater than today,n remember that Jesus loves you than anyone else,ukijiua utaenda kua mgeni wa nani mbinguni,jipe moyo utashinda dadangu coz hata sisi umepitia magumu bt tunaendelea
Satans mission are to steal,kill n destroy,,when u put God aside,He who created u,knew u in your mother’s womb,knows the number of hairs on your head,,,Satan takes charge,,,
Don’t try that my namesake. Get up, look at yourself in the mirror, you are fearfully and wonderfully created. God has good thoughts for you dear, Wanjiku ni watu roho juu, watu wa kusonga mbele no matter what.this name represents mwananchi. Jikaze mamaa. Prophesy to yourself that ” my tomorrow must be greater than today”.
ry for the last time……. Then count any achievement you’ve made before, and I mean any. You’ll realize you have long way to go….. That will make you keep on going and hang up that death itself
Madam, please try your best too get that crazy idea from your mind. Suicide won’t solve your problems, it will just transfer them to many more people i.e your family and there’s no need. Just share your issues with a close friend and you might get a solution
killing yourself is not the best solution to overcome your troubles dear kindly lift up your eyes to the lord and leave all your burdens to him still u hve a very bright future and a long way to go
I once thought so, then I decided to go to hospital to see how many people are struggling and fighting for life , when I got out of the hospital I I asked God to forgive me, I will never think of suicide again,, and from that Day God controlled my life and here am, very strong , with a good life , before you call yourself useless think first
You r such a strong woman coz you have been able to open up most women just keep it in so darling if you r this strong you can be able to overcome anything remember it’s darkest before dawn so I can see you a week from now talking about a big turn around
Jer 32:17 I am a God of flesh ,is there anything too difficult for me? Whatever it is that is troubling U ,turn all the anxiety and worry to the most high and he will see U thru.
Hey gal….stop that evil plan please. Why poison yourself? Who said you are a failure and useless?
In the sight of your creator you are useful and important please. Poisoning yourself will not be a solution to your problems dear.
Tonight before you sleep, read Jeremiah 29:11. Then repent for saying such irritating words concerning your life, and lastly, wait for the Lord to do His part. His time is always the best time
Even if you die now my sister your problems Will remain the same and pple will laugh at your parent. Dear just be ready to face whatever you’re going through and rem God cannot give burden that you can’t carry. Wait and be patient no matter what the victory is ahead
Pray hard never give up, remember suicide is a sin and you’ll be judged, instead take heart and be strong there is a solution behind every pain.. Start seeking God now and everything is going to be ok
No my dear death is not a solution there is no night without day no matter how dark it is light is coming,denounce saying that you are useless and say you are usuful,you are not worthless but worthy and you are not a failure but successful
My dear don’t give life to negativity, no matter how hard it is plz try as much as you can to empty out the negativity, important of all invite God in time of your difficulty and walk with him my sister.
My dear don’t give life to negativity, no matter how hard it is plz try as much as you can to empty out the negativity, important of all invite God in time of your difficulty and walk with him my sister.
Kill your self and I’ll assure you you’ll burn in h**l imagine yourself in h**l burning and when when burning in h**l you are burning and not getting consumed by fire meaning your crying off pains that will never end unlike getting God to solve your problem giving him your life then in the end be happy singing songs of praise forever in heaven
Pliz even jesus him self alipitia mengi alichapwa, alitemewa mate imagin hakulose hope pliz siz u have second chance powa live your life coz life ni kustragle upto wen u became awinner never ana never loose hope
The best thing to do at this point is submit to God, pray. Pray hard. Pray everyday.
Its hard for you to find reasons to live when you are calling yourself all those labels … drop the labels. And if you need help come i will give you a 3 month coaching program for free. You just delay the thoughts of death by 3 months
We r many tofauty n wengine hatuongeangi coz ntaambia nani people hate failure na hawajuwi n maumbile hakuna mtu anaomba awe alivyo my dear usijiue ila jipe moyo mungu yupo cc mafelia pia tunao wanao tupenda na mungu anakusudi nasi kua hai don’t try killing urself isn’t d answer l love you dear ðŸ™ðŸ™
Look above the skies,there lives a way Maker,a deliverer,a comforter, call upon his great Name,His Name is Jehovah Jire,He knows the numbers of your hair in your head,He Knows your name n your problems, He’s calling , He’s saying,” come to me those who are weary n heavy burden n He will give you rest.His Name is a strong Tower when we run to it we are safe .
Remember these words which are God spoken,”for l know the plans l have for u,says the Lord, plans of welfare,plans to give u op but not plans for perish”aiso Paul wrote a letter to Corinthians saying “God cannot tempt his people behond their strength, remember the life of job he rejoiced and thanked God for everything in his life , because he new after street is cut down it sprouts out again, Neve give up they is still a better tomorrow
My friend u are not the only one with couple of problems, everyone has especially in relationship, don’t die because of such try to pray and share with ua trusted friend
Share wat u av in ur mind Nd know how may pple where u born the same day Nd thy die bt your r a live now .thnk how much God loves u.know that you are about to open a new chapter of ur life.God is always faithful
Whatever that is making you think so,are the 1st one face it??
They say,”where there is a challenge,lies an opportunity ”
Whatever the case you’re going thru’ , takr a break,,stay positive ,,with time everything will be alright ..
Remember,, our help comes from God,,so trust in God and everything shall be alright..
Are u serious?? What are going to benefit by getting rid of yourself??
The people around you,,what are going to leave them with?? is it debts or something worthy??
Do your family members hate you or love you???
You said you are tired,,the people around you are also tired of you or are they willing to help you thru’??
What about your Church,how will they think of your planned action??
God is the giver and terminator of live so don’t do the work that’s not yours,if u want to die it’s okay just kneel down and ask him to take you because of so and so.If does not take you then he himself knows he created u strong than the problems and worries you have…stand up fight like a dying horse.
Listen to God of mountain song and all shall be well with you.meditate greatness in you,pray for yourself, love yourself and always tell your inner being that you are the best no matter what.always seek God’s intervention in all your doings and Thank God always for he will deriver you from that evil mind also read Psalms 91.
Now you’re joking you see that life your trying to take its not even yours, iko na mweyewe, you better fight and don’t give up, life isn’t that serious
Kindly dnt kill yaself!think of tha less fortune,tha opharns,mentaly n physical human being wat the under go daily,keep on prayin to GOD n av avid faith on GOD,tha snail was tha last animal to enter noah’s art,GOD’S timin is surely tha best!trust in GOD,u tym is cmin sooner than later,mungu hajakusahau at all!
The Bible says As a Man Thinketh So HE IS. Why do you have negative thoughts about yourself? If you don’t Love yourself nobody will. You are Fearfully and wonderfully made……. What are you passing through that nobody has ever been to? Be positive. God is in control over you and your Life Tell Him what you want.
God loves you and you are more valuable than birds of air.
Whatever you are going through right now, God is already there with you.
Life precious for you.
When you think about giving up in life.
Think about the one who is admiring your chance and yet you are taking this for granted.
God Himself determines your name, your family members, your tribe, your place of birth, your shopping centres, your education, your trials, your friends and your destiny.Acts 17:26.
You were born a winner.
You were created to respond to challenges by coming up with solutions for problems.
I don’t know what you are going through right now.
Hold on until God answered your prayers, there is hope.
Your future is bright than your current situation.
See failure as a stepping stone.
People who are serious bout killing themselves dont normally talk about it, they just do it. Then we hear on news, sympathyse, family morns, burry and we forget and move on. You will be forgoten and hated at the same time
Mammie you’re strong and God is fighting for youðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ we all are in various battles buh we’ve let everything slide and embrace whatever comes… you’re yet to testify of beautiful love and strength you’re yet to explore through perseverance,faith and prayers. Dying isn’t an option for now, remember we’ll all die one day one time, so don’t make an haste to undo God’s plans..kifo haitaenda mahali my dear, enjoy life first, fight the s**t while you can….after all tutakufa wote, either mwenye ameumiza ama kuumizwa… be gentle on yourself for once.. you’re worth more than you can imagine
Some of us here don’t even know whether we are living, or existing but as long as the owner of life wakes up each and everyday. We live it expecting that along the way he will change us and change our fortune. Before you kill yourself ask yourself if he didn’t have a purpose for you would he have woken you today and let other who wanted to live die???when your purpose on Earth will have ended so will he take you but as long as he wakes you every morning, wait for him and he will come
Hanging has worked for many, you should try it. If it doesnt work, try just living its a better death sentence!! Dying will not solve the problems, you will just have reduced the population by one. And school children are about to give birth to like 100K more to replace you!!